Origani Philippines Skincare Reviews

Kedma Cosmetics Facial Mask: Dispelling Misconceptions About Exfoliation

woman peeling a facial mask

Quick question. How often do you exfoliate your face? Most of you might like the idea thinking that it would be painful and damaging to skin. However, this step is necessary if you want to remove dead skin cells from your face and make your pores smaller.

As we are taught that gentleness is the key to beautiful skin, we often stick with methods that we’re used to and are afraid of trying or adding something new. With exfoliation, there is a common belief that it is a painful process and can cause redness right after.

However, upon trying Kedma Cosmetics’ Exfoliating Facial Mask, I realized how wrong I was to assume things about it before trying.

The Truth About Exfoliation

Before trying the product, I decided to read through some Kedma reviews online to get an overview of what it really does. What I learned totally surprised me. Exfoliation is far from what I thought it does. At first, I thought that this product is simply evens out skin tone and provides a lighter shade.

However, I discovered that it offers numerous benefits, such as removing dead skin cells, smoothening skin, improving blood flow and getting rid of blemishes or dark spots.

As I get to know more and more about it, I made up my mind and decided to try it myself. That’s how I’ve come across Kedma Cosmetics. Since my friend has been consistently telling me to try some of their products, I decided to purchase my very first exfoliating cream with this brand.

My Exfoliation Experience

Upon trying it myself, I could say that I’ve dispelled a lot of myths surrounding exfoliation. I don’t know if it’s because I’m using Kedma, but it’s definitely not harsh on the skin.

I didn’t feel any burning sensation or pain during and after application. It felt as if an additional facial cleanser that I have to wash off after leaving it for good 3–5 minutes.

Upon rinsing, I’ve felt some residue, which I assume are the dead skin cells that the product removed from my face. It feels normal and gentle on skin, to be honest. The result, however, is more than satisfying.

After two months of consistent use, I definitely notice a certain glow on my face — it felt smoother too. From there forward, I always incorporate exfoliation on my weekly regimen to continuously enjoy its effects.

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